
Superior Shredding

Lake Superior - 6 degrees, 12mph wind, Cloudy

"It would be awesome to see someone surfing out on those waves." What I said to my self when I arrived to Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula (The U.P.) of Michigan. It was 10am in the morning and I was going to go on a hike through the woods and to explore the coastline. I sat in my car enjoying the scenery when I saw a car pull in to the parking lot with surfboard on top. I saw a man get out with headphones on and he started to walk along the lake and enjoying the view as well. I gave him some time and then grabbed my camera and walked toward him fast, but not too fast, so I didn't look weird but also so I didn't miss the chance to talk to him. He turned around and saw me coming his way and took off his headphones.

I introduced myself and found out his name was John. I asked John if he was looking to surf and if I could photograph him. He explained how he was going to come surf later around 3pm when the swell would be stronger, along with that it would be his last time to surf with the winter weather. So we exchanged phone numbers and I went on my hike and John went to a meeting he had at work. 3pm came around and John showed up with his surfboard and people were amazed he was about to get in and surf. Then after he was ready we proceeded to a point he used before to enter the water.

John then paddled out to where the waves were breaking and waited until a good one came and took off. It was crazy to see because he explained earlier how he had been a big surfer than stopped for 9 years and then got back into it about a year ago. This passion for surfing could be seen in his eyes and I felt honored to be able to capture him that cold Saturday.

The first ride was a success, but John didn’t make it as far as he would have liked. So he kept catching waves (which I chased him up and down the shore capturing imagery) until he made it to the beach and was able to restart again and walked back to the launching point. John explained to me how the ice blocks in the water were hard to avoid especially if he hit one he’d fall right off the board. Then the second ride came along and the wave decided it was its turn to ride John. After John recovered he was able to catch a few more waves until he made it back to shore. After surfing a few more times and the sun going down, John got out of the water and said he was done for the day.

John was wearing a 5mm Wetsuit, 7mm Gloves, and 5mm Booties. He surfed for 2 hours in the lake that the swell was called "The Zoo" because there used to be an old zoo near the lake. I was amazed at John’s endurance and motivation to continue surfing until it became dark. John then stopped surfing and got out of the water and we talked a little longer and he than sprinted into a bathroom by the parking lot to warm up. I then carried on my way and traveled to my next location.


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