Sand Waves


Sand Waves

from $25.00

Not AI generated this perfect scene was found in Great Sand Dunes National Park in Southern Colorado. The sun was hitting just right and created this scene of perfect dunes. The light made it look like waves rolling towards the prairie below. Waves are also kind of connected to the Sand Dunes as you can rent boards and go surfing down the dune! As you can see they look soft, but if you fall that’s where the real pain comes in. It’s about 2mi up to the top of the Dune and it sure isn’t easy on your calves, it sure is a rewarding moment though upon completion. This time I made it up decently quick, but was met with a storm cloud and my hair raising from lightning so I had to go down the side a little until the storm passed. But in doing so the storm helped create this softly lit and perfect scene.

Dimensions/Print Size, Address, Form of Payment needed in email. Feel free to ask any questions.

All prints will be semi-gloss if not chosen otherwise.
Disclaimer: Watermarks will NOT be printed on final print.

Nick Koehler Photography

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